Ubercart - There Were Problems Getting a Shipping Quote

It can be very frustrating to do what seems to be everything needed in order to receive USPS shipping quotes in Ubercart, only to receive There were problems getting a shipping quote. Please verify the delivery and product information and try again. after clicking the button to receive one. Here is a list of the things to verify before throwing anything in frustration!

  1. Verify that you have:
  2. Received your user id from the USPS and have entered it in the form at admin/store/settings/quotes/methods/usps
  3. Selected at least one shipping method from the Domestic or the International sections
  4. Chosen a product that
    • is marked as shippable
    • has a weight specified
    • has shipping dimensions specified
  5. Completed the shipping address in the checkout pane, including the country (if you have disabled the country field in the form, make sure the value for your country is being passed and not a null value)
  6. Filled in the ship-from form at
  7. Used the correct URL and API. If you have not yet contacted the USPS to switch you to production mode, you must edit ubercart/shipping/uc_usps/uc_usps.module. The settings should be as shown in the following table


Mode $usps_server (URL) $api_dll (API)
Production production.shippingapis.com ShippingAPI.dll
Test testing.shippingapis.com ShippingAPITest.dll

If you still can't get a quote now...throwing something is understandable...but try not to throw anything breakable or at anyone or anything breakable!
