The Accidental Coder has undergone a lot of changes over the past year, not the least of which is an improved UX/CX.
At times it's been fun, and other times, painful, but I hope that you find the results to be an improvement. Here are the noticeable changes that the blog has undergone:
- A redesign from the ground, up
- A new palette and motif
- A custom mobile-first component-based theme, based on Pattern Lab and Gesso
- A strong adherence to accessibility standards
- Randomly selected card backgrounds
- Card flip to content list when the content type tag is clicked
and behind the scenes, Drupal 9 and revamped content types and vocabularies. Read more about the site architecture.
The upgrade from D8 to D9 wasn't totally straight-forward...though simple compared to the D6>D7 and D7>D8 upgrades before it, though not completely painless, mostly due to some challenges with Composer.
Switching to Pattern Lab was a learning curve and a rewiring of my brain, including working with technologies that I used mostly on faith rather than any solid grasp, such as npm and gulp. This approach is fine when things are going well, but frustrating as all get-out when they're not.
At several points through the journey I leaned on others for advice. While you're looking around, please have a look at the site Credits.