Compound fields - Part 5

17 June, 2024

the Twig file

In the previous section we created the file that defines the widget formatter used to pre-format the data before passing it on to a twig file. In this part we will create the twig file that provides the markup for the viewed content.


The file should be placed in the path <my module>/templates and be given the name used for #theme in the previous section with a .twig suffix.

{{ name }}


That's all the pieces. The complete tree for your module should look like this:

├── name_field_type.module
├── src
│   └── Plugin
│       └── Field
│           ├── FieldFormatter
│           │   └── NameFormatter.php
│           ├── FieldType
│           │   └── NameItem.php
│           └── FieldWidget
│               └── NameWidget.php
└── templates
    └── name_field_type.html.twig

Enable the module either through the Extensions (/admin/modules) page of the UI or using drush

drush en name_field_type

Select a content type to add the new field type. It should appear in the field type list 

Field type list with the new field type added

When creating a new piece of content for the content type, all of the sub-fields will appear for the new field

sub fields on node form

And finally, the rendering of the parts of our field:

Rendered name

The magic is that this widget can be used on any content type, and is easily moved from site to site, since it's wrapped in a module.


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