Drupal 6 Content Administration

18 June, 2024

By J. Ayen Green of Ayen Designs. If you need to make good use of your Drupal site, but aren't a developer or haven't worked with Drupal or a Content Management System before, this is a book you need. If you are a developer and are developing a site for a client new to Drupal, this is a book for your client!

What you will learn from this book

  • Learn the various methods of inputting text , the various content creation and editing capabilities that are available to users
  • Add elements to your content to spice it up: teasers, links, images, embedded sound, embedded video, PDFs
  • Make changes to the article you created, use a PHP snippet to provide content, edit a revised article
  • Apply basic Search Engine Optimization by creating a URL and category tags to complement the content
  • Create a text block in order to make content available in multiple locations, create a video block to use in the site margin, create a blog entry
  • Set up the framework for a creative editorial team having editors with different roles and privileges, working together to keep the site up to date
  • Use options for creating and editing content offline and via email and apply each of the methods you learned to send content to the project site

Book Details

Language English
Paperback 196 pages [191mm x 235mm]
Release date June 2009
ISBN 1847198562
ISBN 13 978-1-847198-56-3
Author(s) J. Ayen Green
Topics and Technologies Content Management, Open Source, Drupal

  • news icon. news
  • Drupal 6 D6
  • cms
  • book
  • content administration
  • Drupal

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