BOL Module Released

18 June, 2024

Beta version 1 of a new contributed module Bill of Lading (BOL) has been released. This first incarnation adds a drush command, bol, which generates a list of Drupal structures present on the site, such as:

  • blocks
  • block types
  • content types
  • content type fields
  • filter formats
  • group relationship
  • group role
  • group type
  • image styles
  • media types
  • paragraphs
  • user roles
  • views
  • vocabularies
  • webforms
  • workflows

All of the information in the bill of lading is discoverable at various places in Drupal's admin UI. This module brings the information together in one place, and is particularly useful when doing a site inventory to determine the site's architecture.

The output is available in all supported drush output formats using the --format switch (drush help bol for a list).

Enabling the module in the usual way will add a drush command, bol. The command

drush help bol

will provide syntax and option information. The module will analyze the configuration yaml files, so ensure that the site configuration has been exported (drush cex).

  • news icon. news
  • D10
  • entity
  • migration
  • drush
  • Drupal Planet

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